4 Reasons To Prepare for the OET Now
<p>Good command of the English language is a prerequisite for healthcare professionals that want to work in certain countries. Therefore, studying and proving your English proficiency is crucial before applying to work overseas, particularly in native English-speaking countries like the UK and Ireland. You have more than one option to demonstrate your English skills. But for certain healthcare professionals, the <a href="https://www.trueprofile.io/member/resources/oet-what-you-should-know/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Occupational English Test (OET)</a> is an English exam that tests your communication proficiency in a healthcare setting before being employed for work overseas. If you want to move abroad as soon as possible, OET preparation is necessary. <strong>Here are just 4 of the reasons why you should prepare for the OET now. </strong></p> <h2>1. Attract Recruiters and Healthcare Employers</h2> <p>Private and public employers in English-speaking countries like the UK and Ireland rely on international nurses to fill their staffing shortages. That’s why you should prepare for the OET now to strengthen your job application and stand out as a competent English-speaking candidate to international employers. By giving yourself the time to study English, you will inspire confidence and calm when undertaking the OET.</p> <p>Planning ahead with your OET preparation will set you apart as an in-demand healthcare professional with a high chance of qualifying to work as a doctor, nurse, or dentist overseas.&nbsp;</p> <h2>2. Complete One English Exam</h2> <p>Previously, when applying for a role overseas, you needed a second English exam in addition to the OET exam. However, things have changed and applicants applying for jobs in the NHS, for example, only need to meet the requirements of the OET.&nbsp;</p> <p>This makes it easier to gather all your requirements as you now only have to complete one English exam when applying for a visa and healthcare job.&nbsp;</p> <h2>3. Increase Your Chances of Success</h2> <p>If you prepare for the OET now, you are better equipped to handle the questions that you encounter during the exam. After <a href="https://www.trueprofile.io/member/resources/how-to-book-an-oet-exam/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">booking the OET</a>, you want to pass it on your first try to make looking for new healthcare jobs faster and cheaper.&nbsp;</p> <p>If this is the reason you are beginning your OET preparation, here are <strong>some tips to keep in mind:</strong></p> <ul><li>Understand the exam format. The OET tests primarily for spoken, reading, writing, and listening skills in the healthcare environment. Knowing what format to expect helps you prepare to study English in a way that prepares you for your communication in a healthcare setting.&nbsp;</li><li>Practice reading using more English materials. Expose yourself to the language by reading English text, listening to podcasts, watching videos, and engaging with a native speaker to help you improve your language skills. You might also find interactive games or apps that help build your vocabulary and English comprehension.&nbsp;</li><li>Take OET practice tests to prepare yourself for the questions and timeline you may expect to encounter during the actual OET exam.&nbsp;</li></ul> <p></p> <h2>4. Recognition by Healthcare Employers and Bodies</h2> <p>The OET is a very reputable English exam. For example, in the UK, the <a href="https://www.nmc.org.uk/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Nursing and Midwifery Council</a>, the General Medical Council, and different Royal Colleges accept the OET as proof of a healthcare worker’s English proficiency.&nbsp;</p> <p>Being a healthcare-oriented test, the OET presents healthcare setting scenarios and information that you are probably already familiar with. This familiar setting makes it easier to study English. This makes it easier to understand the actual scenarios a doctor or nurse could be dealing with in the hospital environment. It allows employers to determine whether you are a good professional even as they test for your English proficiency.&nbsp;</p> <h2>Should I prepare for the OET now?</h2> <p>If you are a healthcare professional and want to work in a native English-speaking country, you&#8217;ll come across the OET English exam. It’s designed specifically for healthcare professionals and many major healthcare employers and professional bodies in native English-speaking countries recognize it. If you want to pass your exam on the first try, you should prepare for the OET now.</p> <p>Luckily for you, TrueProfile.io teamed up with Specialist Language Courses to offer you online learning modules which provide comprehensive preparation courses for your OET or IELTS exam. Whether you&#8217;re a nurse or a doctor, we have a Reach OET B Taster or a Reach OET B Full Course for you. </p> <div class="is-layout-flex wp-block-buttons"> <div class="wp-block-button"><a class="wp-block-button__link has-text-color has-background" href="https://www.trueprofile.io/member/training" style="border-radius:50px;background-color:#00497a;color:#f5f5f5" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Browse OET preparation courses</a></div> </div> <p></p>