Pre-Employment Screening: What Healthcare Applicants Need To Know
<p>Are you looking for a new job overseas as a healthcare professional? It’s important to understand pre-employment screening before you apply for any position so that you can put your best foot forward and increase your chances of being offered the job you want. Learn more about the process now so you can be prepared.</p> <h2>What Does Pre-Employment Screening Mean?</h2> <p>Pre-employment screening is a process that healthcare employers use to determine whether or not an applicant is suited for a particular position. Screening may include interviews, reference checks, and background checks.&nbsp;</p> <p>Pre-employment screening aims to ensure that only qualified candidates with the right experience and verified credentials are hired for positions within the healthcare field.</p> <h2>What Is Included in Pre-Employment Screening?</h2> <p>All information you provide and submit in a job application is part of the screening process. So is everything you are required to do as a job applicant.</p> <p>There are generally three main hiring stages: CV submission, interviews, and background checks. Depending on the employer, all stages usually implement some form of screening to ensure the right candidate is hired.</p> <p>Your CV should stand out and match the job requirements so that employers shortlist you for interview. It depends on how an organization likes to hire, but background screening usually happens after the interview stage. Pre-employment background screening is where your character, skills, qualifications, and references will be reviewed and verified.</p> <p>Some organizations use psychometric tests, skill-based tasks, or medical tests (in healthcare) to find the best hire among job applicants.</p> <h2>Medical Tests (Exams)</h2> <p>Some countries, especially the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) region, require healthcare professionals to undergo professional evaluation exams to be eligible to work. The exams are usually facilitated by Prometric, a testing company with test centers worldwide.</p> <p>Besides sit-in exams, job applicants may also be required to take physical exams to prove they are healthy, fit, and capable of handling the often demanding work.</p> <p>Furthermore, some job applicants take psychometric exams, which measure their intellectual capacity and gauge their character and motivations.</p> <h2>How Long Does Pre-Employment Screening Take?</h2> <p>The duration of pre-employment screening varies depending on the employer and employment process. It can take a few days or as long as a few weeks.</p> <p>If document verification is part of the screening process, it can take up to 35 days to get a comprehensive report back (though most are completed in much less time). If you have to take medical exams, it can take up to a week to get the results.</p> <h2>Pre-Employment Screening Sources</h2> <p>Employers will use everything they have and know about you to try and find out whether you are the right hire. They will use;</p> <ul> <li><strong>Your CV</strong>: Your CV is the first source of information employers will use to gauge whether you are the right person for the job. Everything in your CV should be the truth. Any lie or inconsistency in your CV will eliminate you from getting the job.</li> <li><strong>Character references</strong>: Your character references speak to your character. They should be real, and the information provided should be correct. More likely than not, employers reach out to your references.</li> <li><strong>Previous employers</strong>: Previous employers speak to who you are as an employee. It is important to leave a job on good terms with colleagues and bosses to avoid any of them messing up your future job applications.</li> <li><strong>Social media pages</strong>: While not all employers screen social media profiles, your presence online can give employers a better understanding of you. Consider only posting professional content on the social media channels you share with employers.&nbsp;</li> </ul> <p></p> <p>Other pre-employment screening sources may include various search engines and public records.</p> <h2>Conclusion</h2> <p>Pre-employment screening is designed to catch any discrepancies in your story. To breeze through this stage, ensure all the information provided and uploaded in your CV is correct.</p> <p>Also, consider <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">getting pre-verified</a> ahead of time. It eases the hiring process. can help with all verification requirements, including documents and work experience.</p> <p>Finally, it is important to remember that background screenings are just one part of the hiring process, so even if you have a blemish or two on your record, it does not necessarily mean that you will not be considered for the job.</p> <h4>Take the first step towards your dream career and create your FREE Digital CV on today!</h4> <div class="is-layout-flex wp-block-buttons"> <div class="wp-block-button is-style-fill"><a class="wp-block-button__link has-text-color has-background wp-element-button" href="" style="border-radius:100px;color:#f5f5f5;background-color:#00497a" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Create my Digital CV!</a></div> </div>