How to Share Your TrueProof to Your LinkedIn Profile
<p>As a Member with verified credentials, we want you to take advantage of all that has to offer! What better way to do this than to showcase your TrueProof to your LinkedIn account? This ensures that you automatically gain the trust of employers who view your profile when they see that your documents have undergone Primary Source Verification from the leader in the industry. </p> <p>The best part? It can be done in just a few clicks!</p> <h2>Share Your TrueProof</h2> <p>Firstly, you need to scroll to the TrueProof that you want to show off and click on the ‘More Options’ menu at the top right corner.</p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="TrueProof LinkedIn Profile"/></figure> <p>Then, after you click on the “Share” option, you will see this dialog box pop-up:</p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="TrueProof LinkedIn Profile"/></figure> <p>Turn on the radio button for the “Allow access to this TrueProof” option. The dialog box should now give you two options for sharing. You have the option to share your TrueProof with your personal information hidden or not, as shown in the image below.</p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="TrueProof LinkedIn Profile"/></figure> <p>Click on the question mark icon if you have any questions about the options. Once you’ve selected an option, you can then either create a link for you to post on social media, send the link directly to someone (say a potential employer), or share it on LinkedIn.</p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="TrueProof LinkedIn Profile"/></figure> <p>Choosing the first option will generate a link that you can copy and paste into your post or messages.&nbsp;</p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="TrueProof LinkedIn Profile"/></figure> <p>Choosing the second option will give you two choices as to how your TrueProof is showcased on your LinkedIn profile.</p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="TrueProof LinkedIn Profile"/></figure> <p>As shown in the image above, you can either choose to strengthen your existing LinkedIn section by adding your TrueProof to verify the statement, or showcase your licenses and certification by displaying your TrueProof as a badge.</p> <h2>Strengthen Your Resumé</h2> <p>You can add your TrueProof to your existing CV section by selecting the first option. Once you click “Choose”, it will generate a link that you can copy. When you click the “Copy” button, you will then see the link in the dialog box.</p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="TrueProof LinkedIn Profile"/></figure> <p>Next, you need to enter your login information for LinkedIn and hit the “Sign in” button. It should open a new window, taking you to your LinkedIn account. Scroll down to the relevant section of your CV (e.g. go to the Experience section if you are adding an Experience TrueProof). To add your TrueProof, simply click on the edit icon as shown below:</p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="TrueProof LinkedIn Profile"/></figure> <p>Now, remember that you clicked on “Copy” earlier? Paste the link into the “Media” option in LinkedIn’s dialog box, then click “Add”.</p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="TrueProof LinkedIn Profile"/></figure> <p>The last step will be to just click “Apply”!&nbsp;</p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="TrueProof LinkedIn Profile"/></figure> <p>And you’re done! Your LinkedIn CV section should now look like this:</p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="1024" height="536" src="" alt="TrueProof LinkedIn Profile" class="wp-image-7068" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></figure> <p>These instructions will also be displayed on the dialog box.&nbsp;</p> <h2>Add Your TrueProof as a Badge</h2> <p>If you chose the second option to showcase your verified credentials, that means you want to display your TrueProof as a badge. The instructions on where you can copy and paste your license information to your LinkedIn account is shown below:</p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="TrueProof LinkedIn Profile"/></figure> <p>Our ever so helpful dialog box (pictured above), will provide you with screenshots of where to paste the links. Alternatively, you can also share your TrueProof badge to your LinkedIn newsfeed!&nbsp;</p> <figure class="wp-block-image"><img decoding="async" src="" alt="TrueProof LinkedIn Profile"/></figure> <p>Ready to showcase your TrueProof to the world? Then prepare to see your career take off!<br></p> <h3>Be one of’s Members and take your career to great heights! <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Sign up now</a>!</h3> <div class="is-layout-flex wp-block-buttons"> <div class="wp-block-button"><a class="wp-block-button__link has-text-color has-background" href="" style="border-radius:50px;background-color:#00497a;color:#f5f5f5" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Sign up</a></div> </div>