What is TrueIdentity?
<h2>Identity verification. Know exactly who you&#8217;re hiring.</h2> <p>TrueIdentity is TrueProfile.io&#8217;s sophisticated ID verification service. We partnered with a global leader in ID verification, <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://www.idnow.io/" target="_blank">IDnow</a>, to provide our Business Partners with the fastest, most secure and reliable way of verifying their applicants’ identity documents such as passports and ID cards.</p> <p>This instant-results service not only saves time and energy in what could otherwise be a laborious pre-employment identity check, but it gives our Business Partners peace of mind knowing that their applicants are exactly who they say they are.&nbsp;</p> <h2>How Does TrueIdentity Work?</h2> <p>TrueIdentity uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and facial-recognition technology, enabling candidates to verify their identity documents on-demand from any device. </p> <p>The AI ensures that all security information is present on the relevant document. Simultaneously, the facial recognition software establishes that the person in possession of the document is the same person pictured on the submitted ID card or passport. Once the identity documents are successfully verified, they are securely stored on the blockchain. </p> <p>When a potential candidate shares their TrueProof with a Business Partner, all they have to do is <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://www.trueprofile.io/validate/" target="_blank">open the validate page</a> and drag and drop the applicant&#8217;s TrueProof PDF to check it against the blockchain.</p> <h2>Why Choose TrueIdentity?</h2> <p>CV and identity fraud are global concerns, specifically for those hiring within high-risk industries such as healthcare, engineering and finance. </p> <p>TrueIdentity enables Business Partners to identify trusted and pre-verified candidates and discourage dishonest applicants while providing a modern tool that contributes to your applicants’ positive onboarding experience. </p> <p>Verified Members can quickly share their Identity <a href="https://businessblog.trueprofile.io/what-is-a-trueproof/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">TrueProof</a> with a Business Partner who can quickly <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://www.trueprofile.io/validate/" target="_blank">check its validity against the blockchain</a>. Identity verification not only decreases hiring time while promoting company growth but choosing TrueIdentity assures Business Partners that the people they hire truly are who they say they are.</p>