In Conversation With: An Egyptian Pulmonology Consultant
<p>Egyptian Pulmonology Consultant, Ehsan Yahia Youssef Sabry, spoke to us about why she chose to work in healthcare, the importance of women working in the sector and her advice for budding healthcare professionals.</p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="282" height="282" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-16219" srcset=" 282w, 150w" sizes="(max-width: 282px) 100vw, 282px" /></figure> <h2><strong>Please introduce yourself</strong>.</h2> <p>I am an Egyptian Pulmonology Consultant and retired professor of Pulmonology. I have been working in the Gulf region as a Pulmonology Consultant for the past 16 years.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>Why did you choose to work in healthcare?&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>Helping people is my pleasure.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>What is your favorite part of your role in healthcare?&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>When patients get well and express their happiness to me of my effort.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>Why is it important that more women take up careers in healthcare?&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>Because women represent the cornerstone of a family’s overall health, ensuring they have access to quality care also can lead to improved health for children and families.&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>What is the best piece of advice you were given to succeed in your career?&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>Be honest.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>What is your biggest achievement?&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>When my research studies were published internationally in prestigious journals.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>What did you dream of doing when you were a child?&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>To become a doctor and find a cure for Polio.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>How can we encourage others to pursue their dreams?&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>By helping each other adopt a growth mindset and encouraging one another to develop our abilities.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>What is the most important message you want to send out to budding healthcare professionals?&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>I quote from Oprah Winfrey:&nbsp; “I have lots of things to prove to myself. One is that I can live my life fearlessly.”&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>Which woman inspires you the most and why?&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>Angela Merkel, because of her strong yet humble personality.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>What are your hopes for the future?&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>To help more patients.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>How has helped you with your career? Would you recommend to your colleagues and friends?&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>It is like a bank account of my verified data, that whenever I need it, it is available. Of course, I recommend to my colleagues!</p> <h4>Build a successful professional career like Ehsan by signing up to today!</h4> <div class="is-layout-flex wp-block-buttons"> <div class="wp-block-button"><a class="wp-block-button__link has-text-color has-background" href="" style="border-radius:50px;background-color:#00497a;color:#f5f5f5" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Become a Member Now!</a></div> </div>