Healthcare Staffing Shortages Are a Universal Challenge
<p id="E171">Healthcare staffing<strong> </strong>shortages are a global issue that has been around even before COVID-19 hit. A <a is="qowt-hyperlink" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">WHO report</a> reveals that in 2013 the healthcare industry was operating with a shortage of 7.2 million healthcare workers. The report further states that the shortage of healthcare workers is projected to reach 12.9 million by 2035.</p> <p id="E187">This article explores the various causes that contribute to healthcare staffing shortages and issues, and what organizations can do about it.</p> <h2>Causes of Healthcare Staffing Shortages</h2> <p>Here are some of the causes that contribute towards staffing shortages in healthcare:</p> <h3>Aging population</h3> <p id="E200">The aging baby boomer population is one of the main sources of additional demand on the healthcare system. With this generation reaching retirement age, there is an increasing need for care and services that the existing healthcare workforce may not be able to meet. This means higher demand for quality care, which can contribute to staffing shortages in healthcare.</p> <h3>Healthcare professionals quitting and retiring</h3> <p>An increasing number of healthcare professionals are quitting their jobs due to burnout and high-stress working environments. Many healthcare professionals are also retiring, resulting in a large number of experienced healthcare workers leaving the workforce. This puts additional strain on remaining personnel and affects staffing levels within the healthcare system.</p> <h3>An upsurge in chronic diseases</h3> <p>The prevalence of chronic diseases is on the rise, meaning more people are living with conditions such as diabetes, cancer and hypertension. This increase in chronic diseases has created a need for specialized medical care and services that can be difficult to find because of staff shortages.</p> <h3>Limited new graduates to fill open positions</h3> <p>The number of new healthcare graduates entering the workforce is not enough to replace retiring members of the healthcare system. This means limited new recruits who can fill vacant positions and contribute to staff shortages in healthcare.</p> <h2>How Can Organizations Overcome Staff Shortages in Healthcare?</h2> <p>Here are some ways that organizations can address staffing shortages in healthcare:</p> <h3>Emphasize the value and importance of employees</h3> <p>Healthcare workers often face long hours, high stress, and low pay. Organizations should strive to create a culture of appreciation for their employees. For instance, by offering competitive salaries and benefits, providing support and resources for professional development, recognizing and rewarding employee contributions, and creating a positive and supportive work environment. By demonstrating that they value their employees, organizations can help to improve retention and attract new talent to the healthcare field.</p> <h3>Train and develop current staff</h3> <p>Healthcare organizations can invest in training and development programs to help promote career growth for their existing staff. This can include offering continuing education, certifications, and specialized training in order to increase skill sets and knowledge. By investing in training and development, organizations can help to ensure that their workforce is well-equipped to meet the needs of their patients.</p> <h3>Utilize new technology and innovations</h3> <p>New technology and innovations can also be used to address staffing shortages in healthcare. For example, the use of telemedicine and other remote care technologies can help to extend the reach of healthcare professionals and provide care to more patients. Additionally, the use of automation and artificial intelligence can help to streamline processes and reduce the workload on healthcare professionals, allowing them to focus on more high-level tasks.</p> <h3>Plan long-term recruiting and hiring</h3> <p>Organizations should take a proactive approach towards recruitment by planning out their staffing needs well in advance. This includes developing effective job descriptions, utilizing a wide range of resources for finding qualified candidates and creating a comprehensive onboarding process.</p> <h3>Partner with niche recruitment platforms</h3> <p id="E271">With the rise of specialized job boards, healthcare organizations can now access a larger network of potential employees. Niche recruitment platforms are tailored to meet the specific needs of medical professionals and provide employers with access to highly qualified individuals for their positions.</p> <p id="E274">For example, is a niche recruitment platform that allows healthcare professionals to create and share verified profiles of their education and work experience. This can be useful for healthcare staffing agencies and hospitals looking to fill positions with qualified candidates. By partnering with, employers can access a pool of pre-vetted candidates and streamline the hiring process.</p> <h2>Conclusion</h2> <p id="E288">Healthcare staffing shortages is a complex and ongoing issue that can have significant impacts on the quality and availability of healthcare services. It is important for healthcare organizations to take a proactive approach in addressing these shortages by focusing on employee retention, training and development, and utilizing new technologies and innovations. </p> <p id="E288">By taking these steps, healthcare organizations can help to ensure that they have the necessary staffing to provide high-quality care to patients and meet the increasing demand for healthcare services.</p> <h2>Ready to find your next hire?</h2> <p>We have an ever-growing talent pool of over 350,000 pre-verified healthcare professionals from across the globe who are ready to join your team. Search, find and contact your next perfect hire with</p> <div class="is-layout-flex wp-block-buttons"> <div class="wp-block-button is-style-fill"><a class="wp-block-button__link has-text-color has-background wp-element-button" style="color:#f5f5f5;background-color:#00497a">Start your FREE 7-day trial today!</a></div> </div>